Tuesday, November 23, 2010


So as Thanksgiving settles on my house, I am taking the time to reflect and think about what I am thankful for. Maybe it is recent events that are bringing these thoughts of the past around, or perhaps it is just one of those days that since I spent some time alone, my mind wandered. Mostly I came to one conclusion... I am thankful that I am where I am right now.

Many things have happened over the last decade of my life. For the most part every event has helped me to grow as a person. I am now more aware of who I truly am than ever. I have had dreams that have faded, some have just started and others are still a work in progress. I have loved and lost. I have gained new friends. I have lost old friends. My love of my family has grown stronger. When I think back to who I wanted to be at this point in my life, I must say that I certainly didn't picture... this. I can also safely say that I am okay with where I wound up.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe in God. I believe He has a plan for me. I know in the deepest parts of my heart that He didnt want me to move away. When I was getting along with my plan to move to Florida, He stopped it. When I was really close to moving to Chicago, He stopped it. While I dont know what it is that He wants me to do here, I'm sure to figure it out. Every single thing I've done, every person I've met, every job I've had... They've all been steps toward something big. Looking back I can even pinpoint certain things that had to happen in my life in order to save me from inevitable disaster. While the outcome of these events didn't seem very helpful at the time, I know that alternative would have been so much worse.

So when I sit down to Thanksgiving dinner with my family, I can easily say that I have so very much to be thankful for.